逸響潮樂演奏組 : 弦詩之夜 Yi Xiang Chaozhou Music Ensemble: String Poems

日期 Date: 16/4/2024 (星期二 Tuesday)
時間 Time: 晚上7:30 PM
地點 Venue: Shaw Auditorium, HKUST





The Yi Xiang Chaozhou Music Ensemble (China) offers a rare opportunity to hear traditional music of the Teochew people from eastern Guangdong. Comprised of preeminent upholders of Teochew music traditions from the Chaoshan region, the seven-piece ensemble will present a program of traditional string-focused chamber music mainly comprised of xianshi (“string poems”) as well as xiyue ("refined music") and Chaozhou-style solo zheng zither pieces.

The event is free and open to the public.




由七名老、中、青潮州音樂演家組成的逸響潮樂演奏組是潮汕地區最優秀的潮州弦詩樂手之一。 他們多有家事傳承淵源,有著較為豐富的演奏實踐, 演奏組旨於能較為原湯原汁地保持潮州音樂的韻味,精心排練了潮州弦詩樂、潮州細樂和潮州箏樂若干有代表性的 樂曲,希望能將潮汕地區的優秀傳統音樂文化遺產呈現獻給聽眾。

The seven members of the Yi Xiang Chaozhou Music Ensemble are some of the best musicians of Chaozhou xianshi music in the Chaoshan region. Made up of former professional, semi-professional, and non-professional musicians steeped in the Chaozhou regional folk music style, each player can perform on more than one instrument. Several of them have been officially recognized as inheritors and transmitters of Chaozhou xianshi as an intangible heritage at the national and regional level in mainland China. Their seamless ensemble playing has been honed through many years of performing Chaozhou xianshi together and with other Teochew from different music clubs all over the world.


潮州文化主要分佈在廣東東部,並擁有中國最活躍的民間器樂合奏傳統之一。 潮州人經常在音樂社團相聚並演奏潮州弦詩樂作自娛。 在世界各地擁有潮州人口的地方,往往可以找到潮州音樂社,而這些樂社大多是各商會、宗教團體和宗親會的一部分,讓音樂家們就彷如在故鄉一樣作定期合樂。 民族音樂學家Mercedes M. Dujunco(呂梅絲)博士(香港科技大學)在其對潮州弦詩樂進行的研究中指出,潮州人正是通過這些音樂社合演奏的弦詩樂去建立商業聯盟和網絡 ,並在與其他華人分支或外國人的商業競爭中,持續鞏固他們的潮州文化和地區的認同。


Chaozhou xianshi music
The Chaozhou Chinese (a.k.a. Teochew) subculture, located in the eastern part of Guangdong, has one of the most vibrant folk instrumental ensemble traditions in China. Teochew men meet regularly in music clubs devoted to the performance of the wind-and-string ensemble tradition known as Chaozhou xianshi for their self-entertainment. In places throughout the world with large Teochew populations, one often finds music clubs—part of voluntary trade, religious, and lineage associations—in which Teochew musicians regularly perform as they would in their hometown. In her research on Chaozhou xianshi music, ethnomusicologist Dr. Mercedes Dujunco (HKUST) asserts that it is through xianshi performed in these music clubs that Teochew forge business alliances and networks, as well as affirm their Chaozhou Chinese regional identity in the face of increased contact and competition for business with other Chinese subgroups or foreign peoples in the places they have migrated to. 

日期 Date: 16/4/2024 (星期二 Tuesday)
時間 Time: 晚上7:30 PM
地點 Venue: Shaw Auditorium, HKUST